Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I know this is ironic given the fact that I have just give airtime to this douche bag, but come on?!?!?!

Doesn't he realize that he is truly a dirt bag and that people aren't laughing with him, they're laughing AT HIM!

1 comment:

Lucy said...

Unfortunately, I have to wonder if this is just a publicity stunt, oh no don't have to worry it clearly was by the bad acting (lol).

I don't know if he was trying to make fun of himself and get back on track but I think he just needs TO DO IT, if it is what his heart wants.

I do believe people make mistakes, learn from them and can change, no one is perfect. I hope for HIS CHILDREN'S sake he can get his act together.

I think their mother needs to do some soul searching too.

Both of these parents need to focus on PARENTING and that should be their priority.