Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sometimes I just get pissed...

In the big scheme of things, I am a happy go-lucky person. But sometimes I just get pissed!

Some of the things that have pissed me off recently:
  1. If I tell you that something is wrong, just say "I'm sorry. I will fix it." Don't tell me why/how it's not your fault! I don't give a flying frick!
  2. When you're helping me put the kids to sleep, don't walk in to the big monkey's room as she's about to fall asleep and ask her to change movies with the little monkey (not when we have like 100 DVDs to choose from).
  3. When I send out an evite, don't just look at it, answer it. Don't call me and/or come up to me and tell me you'll be there, answer the evite (I like seeing all the responses).
  4. If there is one little item wrong with a document I sent you, or you don't understand how to consolidate multiple documents, don't reply back, and cc your boss and my boss, alerting me that the whole document is wrong.
  5. Getting sucked in to items that are really not needed, like the following, which I can do my self with a knife in two seconds (but this does look cool):

I'm sure so many more things have pissed me off (daily) but that's what I remember right now.

Have a happy go-lucky day. Or get pissed off! I'll probably do both :) Repeatedly!


Candy's daily Dandy said...

Mee too!
Sometimes getting pissy is just getting pissy. We all have the PMS gene don't we.

Mommy In Pink said...

LOL! Great post...I'm really irritable lately, so pretty much everything pisses me off right now...I feel sorry for husband at the moment! Thanks for being so honest with us. It feels good to get it out doesn't it?

kel said...

I have a girlfriend who is all kinds of pissy right now and she is pissing me off!! Love this post.. very angst ridden!

Kim said...

I so understand. Especially that evite thing. I HATE it when people don't respond to invitations AT ALL. Don't they know what RSVP means??????

Tuesday Taylor said...

It's called "spiced rum eggnog in the coffee". Look into it! Makes the holidays so nice!

April said...

All of them completely understandable reasons to get pissed, as far as I'm concerned! And yep, I get pissed and joyful many many times in the course of one day, too.

Julia@SometimesLucid said...

Candy - I can't even blame this on PMS (just ended - TMI).

Kristy, Kel, April - I love venting. That's why we live longer then men ;)

Kim - I am really bad. Some friends have RSVP'd verbally. I still want them to RSVP on EVITE ;)

Scandy - Please share the recipe. Now I want it (I say as I am drinking coffee at work). That should be your post for today :)

Joanna said...

Ooo I know some of those... well, most of those! I hope you're feelin better!

Unknown said...

I do both as a CSR I talk to stupid people who piss me off and others make me laugh.

I hope your day went well!

Keri said...

I'm so with you on your number one! Now, if I only had a dime for everytime I've heard 'It's not my fault.' Good gravy...

Anonymous said...

I never get pissy.

I just get rant raving raging MAD!

Just kidding, I think!

I think mood swings are wonderful, I enjoy mine immensely.