Along with a sense of fun times ahead, I have always thought of summer as a time of renewal. You can be what you want, do what you want and change whatever you aren't happy with.
I'm curious and anxious to see what this summer brings.
Values Summit EOY 2024
1 month ago
Enjoy your summer, we're shivering down here in Australia!
Sometimes Lucid is spoiled.
She lives near me.
It's always summer here in Southern California, though some parts of the annual summer are warmer and have longer days than other parts (haha).
I hope this summer brings a thinner me without having to do a lot of work to make it happen. Is that possible? No. Oh well, at least I'll be tan from hanging out at the pool. Tans camouflage cellulite, right?
Annette - We were cold all winter (or cold by Southern California standards) while you were baking away.
LL - Am I spoiled because I'm lucky enough to live near you? LOL! This is the first week it hasn't been gloomy and cold all month!!
Deb - If oyu find the magic solution, PLEASE share!! And yes, tanning does caouflage cellulite (not to myself - tan more).
Summer air does always make you feel better...doesn't it. I'll let you know when it finally hots New York, lol. Although we did see a teeny bit of sun today.
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