I got chosen for a Motherload Meme by Kim at Kim and Co. This is the first meme I've been chosen for, and I am pretty darn excited!
I am supposed to choose a post and take the first ten bloggers who commented on that post. Like Kim, I would be thrilled if 10 unique individuals commented on any one post. I have 11 posts on my I can be a normal mom post, but 1 is from me and Lana posted twice. So, I will borrow from another post for the last 2 bloggers to comment. Of course, it goes without saying, that I totally appreciate everyone who posts, and actually comes back and reads my blog more than once!
My 10 are:
1. Kim and Co - Makes me feel at home with her inclusiveness of fellow bloggers. Also, she just cracks me up. Like this post.
2. Moms without Blogs - Is TRULY a supermom in my eyes (and the most super thing is she knows she's not perfect).
3. The Kids did What?! - I love her stories about her 4 and 7 year old.
4. Get in the Car - Fellow nablopomo member who left a really nice comment.
5. LaTonya Yvette - Leaves really nice comments but doesn't have a blog herself.
6. Mommy in Pink - She says things that I only wish I could say.
7. A Girl's Guide to (fill-in-the-blank) - My favorite tales of dating in So Cal!
8. Soggy-Doggy-Blog - Love her sense of humor, especially in this post.
9. Jiggety Jigg - Absolutely loves Twillight! And uses her kids to pose as characters (gotta love that).
10. MAInfo - Always leaves amazing, well thought-out comments.
Part 2 - 10 Blogs, 15 questions:
What is your favorite post from #3's blog: The post from today - "Poo Poo Head" and "Pee Pee Head" - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Has #10 taken any pictures that have moved you: Yes. Her house was next door to a house that was burned down in the recent So Cal fires. The pictures are truly scary and make me appreciate the good things in my life.
Does #6 reply to comments on her blog: Yes
Which part of Blog land is #2 from: Los Angeles, CA
If you could give one piece of advice to #7 what would it be: You are an amazing girl and have an amazing sense of humor - the right guy is always where you least expect to find him (yes, I know the advice is cheesy).
Have you ever tried something from #9's blog: Not yet, but now I really want to see Twilight :)
Has #1 blogged something that inspired you: Kim inspires me daily, but more tangibly I am inspired to make JEWISH JELLY ROLLS. Probably this week.
How often do you comment on #4's blog: Not as much as I will since I just started reading her blog.
Do you wait excitedly for #8 to post: Of course, I wait excitedly for all my bloggy friends to post.
How has #5's blog changed your life: She really hasn't but has left some nice comments, which I do appreciate.
Do you know any of your 10 bloggers in person: I know Lupita from A Girl's Guide to (fill-in-the-blank).
Do any of your 10 know each other: I don't know. You tell me?
Out of the 10, which updates more frequently: Almost all updated almost daily, but dizzblnd at Soggy-Doggy-Bloggy updates the most frequently I think.
Which of the 10 keep you laughing: All - I loved to be entertained and all the blogs I read make me laugh.
Which of the 10 made you cry (good or bad) tears: Lee the MWOB Queen had an amazing guest blogger who posted about her daughters birth and the complications surrounding it.
Wow! That took a long time and made me really stand back and see the unique people I've become bloggy friends with ;)
If you want to pass this one, please feel free. If not I understand, it takes a long time :)
Side note: why is "blogger" and "bloggy" not in the blogger spellcheck - they keep coming up as misspelled words?!?!?!?!
Values Summit EOY 2024
1 month ago
Great job! Now take a rest. That is hard work.
I'm always looking for an excuse to avoid all things domestic, so thanks for the recommendations on funny blogs to read!
Kim - I didn't realize it would be so hard. But it was worth it. Thanks again for tagging me.
Thank you for the shout out! I will DEFINITELY do one of these when I have the time... stooopid work frowns upon me blogging on their time... go figure! Oh and you popped my tag cherry!! Woooooooohoooooooo
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