I had an hour to kill after work, before I met a good friend for sushi (I haven't eaten "real" sushi/sashimi in what feels like months). We have a children's Birthday Party to go to, for the big monkey's friend tomorrow and I still needed to buy a gift. So, off to Barnes and Nobles I went.
According to another friend, I have almost a Birthday party a week. She's exaggerating, but sometimes it does feel that way.
I have decided that 6-8 year old girls have random taste in clothes (I never know if the cute Hannah Montana shirt is going to be well received or not), have way too many toys and don't want educational things (except my freak monkeys, who love to receive workbooks as gifts). So, I've settled on Chapter books and other books. Most kids this age are just discovering the joy of books and the worlds that the stories open up! I ended up getting her Paula Deen's My First Cookbook and a kit with Apron, wooden spoon and utensils. Her family likes to cook - hopefully she'll like it.
While there, I HAD to look around for myself - books are my biggest weakness. I could easily spend $100/month at Barnes and Noble!
I was SOOOO excited - two books I was waiting for came out this month!
Heather Graham - Deadly Gift, book 3 of The Flynn Brothers Trilogy
Nora Roberts - The Pagan Stone, book 3 of The Sign of Seven Trilogy
I walked out of the book store absolutely giddy with anticipation! I love getting back to the characters I have grown fond of. I can't wait to get a couple of hours to my self so that I can read!
Yes, I'm a dork, but a happy dork :)
And the sushi was, hands down, the best I have had in a very long time!
Values Summit EOY 2024
2 months ago
I LOVE to read. Currently reading Chelsea Handler's book - My Horizontal Life, A Collection of One Night Stands. She's hilarious if you have not read or seen her on TV. Her other book, Are You There Vodka, It's Me, Chelsea is also another good one. My husband has read them, too, and thought they were pretty damn funny!
Dorks are cool. Some of my best friends are dorks.
I think people who aren't dorks are very boring. I try to surround myself with dorks every day, because honestly if you aren't a dork, you're try too hard.
I don't think you are a dork at ALL! I love to read, it keeps the brain active and makes the reader more intelligent. So read up baby!
Bookstores and office supply depts are the only type of shopping I enjoy, so I'm a total dork, too!
April - I can lose my self for hours in Staples!
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