I don't know why, but I always feel a bit let down after the holidays. I shouldn't, since I don't celebrate the biggest one of all, but I do anyways. I think what I don't like is the anticipation going away.
During the holidays, starting with Halloween, there are parties to look forward to. Lots to eat and drink. Days off to take. Presents to open.
I think I'm like a child in this way. I ABSOLUTELY love presents. That's one of the reasons I love my birthday so much. I get to spend time with those I love (and like and can stand, I'm not picky) and eat and drink and open presents :)
Now it's January. My excuse for baking sweets is over :(
Of course, it is a new beginning. And 2009 has to be better, right? There is a look to hope for, and to look forward to!
OK - apparently tonight is not one of my more lucid nights ;) Good night!
Values Summit EOY 2024
2 months ago
Hey there is always Valentine's day!
Happy New Year! I have given you an award...check out my blog to find out more!
I was given a good idea once: have a Mid-Winter Blues Party. Nothing exciting ever happens in February, and the holidays are over, the anticipation is gone, and people need a boost. That way everyone has something to look forward to! And you have an excuse to bake!
I'm with Sassy Britches idea - yeah a mid-winter BLUES party! 'Cause we know here in Southern Cal how tough these winter blues can get!:-) Just think Julia - at least we got that sun shining to boost the spirits...but I feel ya..moving on to a New Year can be a tough transition....but please keep baking! And tell us about it.. :-)
I love me some presents too!!
I am always midly relieved when the holidays are over!
You can always plan a big shindig for Groundhog's Day!
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